Retreats will be available in 2025 in Alberta as follows:
Men: August 31, 4:30 PM — September 5, 2:00 PM with Frs Bélisle and DeLallo
Ladies: September 7, 2:00 PM — September 12, 12:30 PM with Frs Bélisle and Gerspacher.
Location: Sanctum Retreat, Caroline, AB
The facility is equipped with wheelchair access, washroom facilities and sleep accommodations to assist you in your stay with us. Please identify any special needs when registering.
Registration will only be accepted by using the form online (below).
Other Ignatian Retreats are available through the Society of St. Pius X. See:
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
For the Greater Glory of God
A “retreat” is a series of days passed in solitude and consecrated to God. Our Lord withdrew into the desert for 40 days of prayer before He began preaching. St. Ignatius of Loyola wrote a book, The Spiritual Exercises, to guide people through a 4 week retreat. Our Ignatian retreats abridge this into five days spent in silence, prayer and spiritual conferences. Priests are available for Confession and spiritual direction.
Why go on a retreat?
Come to Me, all you that labour and are burdened, and I will give you rest. –Mt. 11: 28.
You converted recently. You thirst to learn more about the Catholic faith that is now at the centre of your life. You want to learn how to live as a good Christian in this corrupted world. The conferences of a five day retreat will give you the answers you are seeking.
You are burdened with sin, and you don’t know how to deal with it. You probably need to make a general Confession of the sins of your whole life. The conferences and meditations of the retreat will help you prepare properly for this special sacramental Confession.
You have been Catholic for a long time, but now you feel that the practice of your religion has become a routine. At times, you may have doubts about the faith or about Tradition. The retreat provides an opportunity for daily consultations with a good priest who will explain the faith and assist you in developing a life of prayer.
You are about to take important decisions that will affect your career, the future of your family and of the education of your children. The retreat will give you the best opportunity to make the right decision. Take time to think about God’s will for your life, during a good retreat!
You want to become more fervent and to improve your spiritual life. The Spiritual Exercises provides a method for making good resolutions. It is a proven method, approved by the Church and recommended by many saints.
But, I have no time!
No, it is not true! If you really want to come, you will find time. This is of very serious matter: the eternal salvation of your own soul. Review your agenda, and you will find a 5 days’ time frame.
But, I am not well instructed!
All right! The retreat is a wonderful method that is easily understood, even by simple men, like the preaching of Christ.
Others need to go for a retreat, I don’t.
Are you really sure to be a saint? So many times, we heard retreatants telling us at the end of the retreat that, before coming, they never thought how much they needed to come to the retreat.
I do not have enough money.
No one should be prevented from coming to the retreat for financial reasons. There is a price set as we rent the facility. Ask us for help if you cannot afford this.