All are welcome for daily Masses and confession


Let us all remember that upon entering the church, we enter a sacred and awesome place where the august Sacrifice of the Mass is celebrated, divine grace is distributed and Our Lord is ever present in the tabernacle. 

This House of God and Gate of Heaven demands to be properly respected in our demeanor, our dress and our bearing, in our thoughts, words and actions from the moment of entry until we depart.  Please keep this in mind when entering and when preparing for Mass or private prayer.  One should make every attempt out of the most profound respect for Almighty God, as well as to our neighbor to be as quiet and unobtrusive as possible.  

We should prepare ourselves in the vestibule.  That is the designated place to remove our coats and sweaters, not in the pews; that is where we should put our keys away, turn off our phones (if you must have one!), not in the pews; that is where we should recollect ourselves and begin thinking of the great grace about to be ours by crossing the threshold into the nave of the church. 

Entering, we have the grand opportunity to practice fruitfully the two great Commandments by loving God and neighbor through our attentive actions as well as our fervent prayers.  Our actions must manifest our faith. 

Only families with young children should use the marked pews closest to the doors at the back.


see the bulletin or contact the parish office

March 16, 2025 - March 30, 2025

March 2, 2025 - March16, 2025


Confessions* 7:00 AM

Holy Mass at 7:30 AM

Confessions* 9:15 AM

Holy Mass at 10:00 AM

*Sunday Confessions are specially intended for those who live +1hr from the church; if you live closer, please aim for another day.


Holy Mass at 6:30 AM

Holy Mass & Confessions at 9:30 AM


Holy Mass at 7:00 AM


Holy Mass at 7:00 AM


Holy Mass at 7:00 AM

Benediction & Confessions at 6:30 PM


Holy Mass & Confessions at 7:00 AM

Holy Mass & Confessions at 7:00 PM

[First Friday: Benediction & Confessions at 6:30 PM, Mass following]


Confessions at 7:30 AM

Holy Mass at 8:00 AM

Confessions at 5:00 pm